Blockchain Protects Our Data, But Who Protects The Blockchain?

Co-Authors: Ralph Chammah, CEO of OwlGaze Miro Pihkanen, CSO of OwlGaze

Protecting Web3 Businesses From Cyber Threats

As businesses try to capitalise on the trends in Web3, we have already seen detrimental cyberattacks that have caused trillions of dollars in losses and damages. As attackers target industry players ranging from play-to-earn games like Axie Infinity, De-Fi protocols like Badger DAO, and cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, how can businesses that utilise blockchain technologies protect themselves from evolving cyber threats?

In our whitepaper “Blockchain Protects Our Data, But Who Protects The Blockchain?”, OwlGaze experts share:

  1. The Current Challenges & Cyber Vulnerabilities in the Blockchain Industry
  2. The Solution & New Cybersecurity Approach
  3. The Benefits & Proof Points
  4. Critical Success Elements for Blockchain Businesses


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