OwlGaze’s AI-Powered Blacklight Software Detects Cybersecurity Threats Before They Happen

As the digital world moves towards Web3 and the metaverse, this next-gen predictive software will prevent your company from becoming the next cautionary tale about consumer data breaches

Not a week goes by without a significant hack, security breach or cybersecurity scam popping up in our newsfeeds, reminding us that we don’t have to watch dystopian Black Mirror-esque TV shows or movies to experience a world where subversive technology jeopardises our way of life.

From overlooked security exploits in the latest routine Windows updates to Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT hacks and a phishing scam that duped buyers of Monkey Kingdom, one of Hong Kong’s hottest NFT projects, out of US$1.3 million, cybersecurity threats are so commonplace that every digital decision requires research, from diving into the metaverse to something as simple as clicking links in your email or messaging apps.

Hackers are becoming more sophisticated with their methods which means cybersecurity firms must evolve more quickly to stay one step ahead. A 2021 study by Tech Research Asia revealed that 68 per cent of businesses across six Asian-Pacific markets had fallen victim to a data breach, up more than 32 per cent in 2019. More worryingly, some businesses admitted they were facing more than 50 cybersecurity threats a week.

Hong Kong start-up OwlGaze is on a mission to protect companies and their customers from the growing threat of cybersecurity breaches. Backed by IMS Digital Ventures, a prominent venture builder in Asia with a track record of delivering disruptive software companies and platforms, OwlGaze was launched in 2020 to focus on rapidly developing markets in Asia.

Read the full article on Tatler.

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